Graduates — It’s your time to take charge!

4608963722_7c88e503f8_bCongratulations to the millions of Americans graduating from high schools, technical institutes, community colleges, universities, and graduate schools! This is your moment to shine and take pride in your achievements.

This also may be a time when you have a rush of mixed emotions — exhilaration, eagerness, uneasiness, and perhaps worry. All of these feelings come with taking the next steps in your career.

We want you to enjoy your career journey. Indeed, if you think of your career as a story, you will be writing many chapters. We’re committed to helping you be the hero of your talent story. So, we’ve provided some special resources and support just for you.

First, here’s a selection of blog posts that will stimulate your thinking and help you pursue your next steps with greater confidence.

Why Should an Employer Choose You? Many job applicants make a big mistake in their interviews. They make the job interview about themselves rather than about the job.

Make Yourself the Hero of Your Talent Story The hero story can belong to all of us, not just a chosen few. It doesn’t matter what your story is or what your circumstances are.

What makes you come alive? Start making the most of your talent by identifying what makes you come alive. Trying to fit into someone else’s mold won’t work.

Your Brain is a Ferrari The best race car drivers, driving Ferraris, couldn’t go very fast if they were to find themselves stuck on the Santa Monica Freeway at rush hour on Friday afternoon. The same principle applies to you.

The World Belongs to the Talented and That Means You Talent isn’t hierarchical. Everyone has talent and anyone, anytime, anywhere can use proven keys to unlock his or her talent and the talent of others regardless of their position.

Small Actions; Big Results The Daily Action Pack is a group of small actions that you take each day (at least 5 days per week) that, over time: give you a near certainty of realizing your hope.
Second, if you add a comment to this post or any of the blog posts listed above by June 30, 2014, we’ll enter you into a drawing for one of two Talent Catalyst Conversations that we will provide free of charge. As described in the book, “Take Charge of Your Talent,” a Talent Catalyst Conversation is a great way in less than hour to articulate your hopes, identify resources and opportunities to fulfill them, and sketch out actions you can take to get started. This will become the start of your hero’s story.


Don and Jay

Photo by: John Walker

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Posted in Support
1 Comment » for Graduates — It’s your time to take charge!
  1. Jeri Corgill says:

    Each of us has talents – some easily take charge of their talents, while others need guidance. A talent catalyst can help you find that guidance within you, so you can truly excel at using your best talents!

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