Why Should an Employer Choose You?

4607148434_f33c3962d7_mMany job applicants make a big mistake in their interviews. They make the job interview about themselves rather than about the job.

First and foremost, employers want to know how you are going to help them — not what’s great about you. Sure, you want them to be excited about you and your accomplishments. In order to captivate their interest, however, employers need to know that you understand their requirements. They also need evidence of how you can help.

Under the pressure of a job interview, you need a clear approach to make your case. A proven formula for this discussion is what we call Intention, Observation, Request, and Confirmation. The Intention creates a bridge between what they want and what you have to offer. The Observation gives them concrete evidence of how you have delivered. The Request states clearly what you want in terms of an opportunity to contribute. Finally, you use the Confirmation to see if you are on track and to outline the next steps.

You’ll benefit from writing out your thoughts on these four critical elements. (There are examples on pages 102-103 of “Take Charge of Your Talent.”)

Ask someone to listen to you express your request. Practice until it feels easy and natural for you and your listener confirms that you’re ready to go.

Getting what you want isn’t difficult … if you know how to ask.

Photo by: bpsusf

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