Questions to Ask Before Taking a New Job

8420804522_f1ab98c494_bOK. You have an employer interested in you. Your interviews are going great. Now, you need to do a gut check on whether the job is for you. Is it a path to prosperous use of your talent or a bridge to nowhere?

So, here’s a key question for job applicants to ask themselves: “Do I want to just fill a job or do I want to grow a career?” If you want to grow a career, you’ll want to share what your hopes are for your talent and why those are important to you. Then, ask your prospective employer, “What are the opportunities to pursue those hopes in this organization?”

While you don’t want to sound like you are trying to jump beyond the immediate job before they have offered it to you, you do want to know whether the organization and person you’ll be reporting to are only talent users or are talent builders.

Photo by: Andrew Bowden

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