
For You

You have talents that you’ve never tapped … and even greater satisfaction that you could be enjoying.  You simply need the keys to unlock those talents and get them working for you. That’s what Take Charge of Your Talent delivers.

We deliver the value of Take Charge of Your Talent in several ways:

  • through the book which you can order [see column to right ]
  • through this website where you can view blog  posts, videos, and tap the Take Charge of Your Talent community
  • with a Certified Talent Catalyst who, in an hour, can guide you through a Talent Catalyst Conversation and help you connect  with your natural passion and motivation.
  • with a coach who can work with you for  several months on all three keys of Take Charge of Your Talent.

Key #1. Power  Up Your Talent Story — learn how you can be the hero of your own talent story with a Talent Catalyst Conversation that stimulate new possibilities and engages your self-motivation.

Key #2. Accelerate through Obstacles Inertia hobbles us unless we take concerted action to break through it. translate intentions into action and apply proven productivity tools to create room to grow and nurture the inner qualities that will rocket your hopes into reality.

Key #3. Multiply the Payoffs for Yourself and Others as you explore and develop your talent, learn to develop valuable personal assets that are concrete and transferrable. Make your talent a joy for yourself and a contribution to the world.

Want to explore how you can unlock your talent?

Click Get Started.


For Your Organization

Unleash your most valuable assets … your people

We want an organization of 20,000 learners and 20,000 teachers.

~ Judy Gilbert, director of talent, Google

Did you know that 95 million  employees in the United States alone are not engaged or are actively disengaged  in their work?

Did you know that even high performers in excellent organizations—large  and small, for-profit and non-profit—frequently report that 30% to 40% of their talent that could be applied at work lies untapped?

Are you looking for a fresh  approach to engage your employees and create a culture of talent development in  your organization? Want to learn how to  tap the only true and lasting source of motivation—self-motivation?

Are you frustrated that time, money, and resources limit the reach of your talent development programs, often restricting them to “high potentials?” Interested in how you can reach up and down and across your organization with a program that scales easily so that you can offer it broadly and get everyone engaged  and contributing?

The Take Charge of Your  Talent Program helps you fully develop the talent assets of your organization  to increase creativity, productivity, and satisfaction. In contrast with  top-down succession plans and other talent development strategies, Take Charge  of Your Talent taps your participants’ own interests, energy, and aspirations.  It applies the latest scientific knowledge about constructive thinking to  catalyze rapid results. What’s more, these tools scale efficiently so that you  can reach deeply into your organization.

In addition to the book, Take Charge of Your Talent, we offer:

  • Keynotes and Presentations. We provide speakers for meetings and conferences that spark lively conversations and concrete actions for each of you to take charge of your talent. See Take Charge of Your Talent–in Action–a quick start demonstration and discover how a room of 280 business and civic leaders came alive as Talent Catalysts for one another.

CSMFO Conference Maruska Keynote 2014-02-21“Don Maruska’s keynote presentation on Take Charge of Your Talent provided an inspiring and thought provoking close to our annual conference with hundreds of finance professionals. So often, we just react to the work before us and can become victims of our own circumstances. This     presentation engaged us to become heroes of our talent in concrete and compelling ways. I endorse this program for organizations that want to empower their members to become more productive and fulfilled.” ~ Jesse Takahashi, President-Elect, California Society of Municipal Finance Officers

  • Workshops and Programs. We customize offerings for the needs of both commercial and non-profit organizations to stimulate a take-charge talent culture in your organization and enduring results. See Take Charge of Your Talent organizational flyer.
  • Take Charge of Your Talent Champions Training.  As part of all organizational programs, we encourage a minimum of 10% of the participants to be trained as Take Charge of Your Talent organizational champions; people  who stand for and support a thriving talent culture.
  • Coaching. We provide master coaches for executives who want to build and sustain Take Charge of Your Talent cultures.

Want to explore how you can bring Take Charge of Your Talent into your organization? 

Click Get Started. features “3 Keys to Unlocking Employee Talent”
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